The one man who is known as “The Father of Indian Unrest” is “Lokmanya” Bal Gandhar Tilak. These two titles of Tilak have the different meanings. According to Britishers, he was the father of Indian unrest because he was the man who stood the Indian people for the first time against British Government and from that time the rest of British Government in India was gone and never came back.
Tilak was the man who awaken the Indians about their rights and worst condition from where they had to live because of the British Raj. Tilak was strict against the rule of any other country or person over India.
He declared, Swaraj (self rule) is my birth right and 1 must take it” His slogan was on the mouth of every Indian and before Gandhiji he was the first man which approach towards Indians was so deep, that is why he was called ‘The Father of Indian Unrest” According to Indians he was “Lokmanya” it means that he was a man who was honoured by the people of India.
His approach towards the people was too deep and he was the first man who stood the people in front of British Raj. Tilak was born on July 23, 1856 at Ratanagiri, a small coastal town in a middle class family. He passed B.A. in first class. After Graduation in law he helped to found a school which laid emphasis on nationalism. He started newspapers “Kesari and “Maratha”. Both papers tried to teach Indians of their glorious past and remainded them to be self-reliant (Swadeshi)-
After capturing political power in India the British Government damaged the financial structure of India. The British Government took the raw material from India and after manufacturing goods over their factories imposed these goods to Indian people and they had to bought them because the Indian industries was closed by the Britishers. For Britishers India became such a place from where they can grasp the raw material for their industries and then sale their manufacturing goods here.
Tilak was very angry to saw this behaviour of British Government because by this England because richer and India became poorer. He tried to awake the Indian people and breathe life into the moribund nation through four mantras,

(i) Buycott of foreign goods,
(2) National Education,
(3) Self- Government
(4) Swadeshi or Self-reliance.
